25 Stats About Promotional Products

25 Stats About Promotional Products

Let the Facts Do the Talking Considering incorporating promo products into your marketing mix? Concerned about the return on your investment? Let the facts do the talking! We’ve got 25 useful facts and stats to back up the benefits of using promo products as part of a strong marketing strategy! Aaaand, we’ve pulled them together…

How to Run a Better Marketing Campaign with Flyers

How to Run a Better Marketing Campaign with Flyers

Flyers work best within the context of a marketing campaign. Despite being a traditional method of promotion, many digital marketing experts would still agree that flyers contribute to building a great digital strategy. Like any marketing material, flyers need to be specifically created for a target audience to be effective. When running a flyer marketing campaign, you have to know what…

How to Network For Business Using LinkedIn

Every business professional needs to know how to network for business using LinkedIn. With more than 660 million users worldwide, the social networking site has become a staple for professionals and entrepreneurs in the world of business. As an effective tool for building connections, LinkedIn is also a great way to grow your brand and gain…

Print is NOT Dead!

Print is NOT Dead!

Print isn’t dead! The biggest difference between digital advertising and print media is that print is tangible and experiential. Print ads are real, and consumers can physically interact with them. This adds two more human senses to the list: touch and smell. The U.S. Postal Service worked with Temple University’s Center for Neural Decision Making…